Monday, March 27
Reitz Union Auditorium, 8pm
Join JAM and RUB as we host a private viewing of Steven Speilberg’s Munich. This award winning film tells the story about the 11 Israeli athletes who were murdered at the 1972 Munich Olympics, and the story of what happened after. The event will be free and open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.
Co-sponsored by Reitz Union Board

Tuesday, March 28
Israeli Election Party
Jewish Awareness Month is having an election party for the Israeli elections. There will be live satellite footage from Israel allowing all who attend to watch the election while it is in progress. We will be holding it at Hillel and will be serving food and beverages at the event.
Co-sponsored by FLIP (Florida Israel Project)

Café B’Ivrit
Orange & Brew, 6pm
Join Noam and the Israeli Student Organization at the Orange and Brew Restaurant for some Hebrew and coffee. All levels welcomed and the coffee is on us!
Co-sponsored by ISO

Wednesday, March 29
Holocaust Memorial Event: Hookah & Cigar Night
Reitz Union North Lawn, 7pm
Join members of HSA and JAM as we kick back and relax with some cigars and hookah.
Co-sponsored by Hispanic Student Association

Winning the War on Terror
Chabad, 8:30 – 10pm
Join us for a discussion on the Biblical sources to a Practical Response. Hot appetizers will be served.
Co-sponsored by Chabad

Thursday, March 30
Nice Jewish Girl / Nice Jewish Boy Pageant
Hillel, 8pm
Make your Mother proud and come check out UF’s finest Jewish students competing to become the Nicest Jewish Boy and Nicest Jewish Girl at this University. Rounds of competition will include Shabbat Wear, Jewish Trivia, and Jewish Talent. Special Guest Judges will be present! Also make sure to bring some loose change and singles. It’s sure to be a night to remember!

Friday, March 31
“Mingle if You’re Single” Shabbaton
Chabad, 7:30 pm
Co-sponsored by Chabad

Friday Night Live!
Shabbat Services & Dinner

Chabad, 7:30pm

Saturday, April 1
Stop ‘n Go Jew Date
Chabad, 9:30pm
Are you Red (taken) or Green (available)? Single or not this is the dating game for all! Come join other students of all ages and grab a Jewish date with a musical Havdallah and falafel treats.
Co-sponsored by Chabad

Sunday, April 2
ReJEWvanate Spa Day
Chabad, 1 – 4 pm
Treat yourself to Yoga, Facial, Manicure, Pedicure, and reflect upon your body and soul. This strictly female student afternoon of pampering costs a mere $20. A health brunch and door prizes are included.
Co-sponsored by Chabad