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Why would I want to join a fraternity? I can make friends fine on my own.
Joining a fraternity is about much more than just making friends. While one of the biggest benefits of going Greek is that you form close, often lifelong friendships with the people you meet (who, like you, chose to go Greek, so you all have something in common that you are seeking), it also affords you many opportunities to meet people you otherwise wouldn't. There's nearly 50,000 students at the University of Florida, all of them involved in classes, social activities and a variety of extracurriculars, so oftentimes some freshmen are overwhelmed. Going Greek ensures you a large group of people to see and socialize with often, providing stability during a time of change for you. Moreover, the bonds you form with people in the fraternity (and other Greek organizations, such as sororities) are unique and special. You all join because of something that draws you to the house, and you will likely have more things in common than you would with the average person in your dorm or class.

I'm worried about my grades if I join; how are grades at Alpha Epsilon Pi?
It's a good thing you asked, because now we get a chance to gloat over being the winners of the Governor's Cup, awarded to the fraternity with the highest overall GPA. We at AEPi are strong believers in the ideology that studying is a crucial part of college (sorry, but it is; without good grades, you might not be at the University very long, and then it's fun for no one, so we'd prefer to keep you around longer). We have a special Study Room in the house where there are many desks, computers, study supplies and a futon so that brothers can always have a quiet place to go study in the house. We also have brothers in practically every major offered by the University, ranging from Engineering to Political Science, Architecture to Criminology, and everything in between. We also have a large variety of Business majors, Journalism majors, Pre-Med majors, Pre-Law majors and, of course, Leisure Studies (we also have many graduate students active, including several in the highly-respected Levin School of Law and the Medical School). This means that whatever class you take, the odds are someone in the house has taken it, so someone is always available to provide help, plus old books and notes. No one in AEPi feels afraid to ask anyone else for help, because everyone is very open and always willing to help each other out.

How are the dues at AEPi?
Very, very cheap. In fact, we oftentimes pay you to join.

Just kidding! But in all seriousness, the dues at AEPi are completely reasonable, and there are individual payment plans and payment schedules so that anyone who wants to be involved can join.

What if I'm unsure of rushing? Should I do it?
Stupid question. Of course you should. Why the hell not? If you don't like it, you don't join, and that's that.

I'm really only joining a fraternity to get chicks (or dudes, whatever your preference is, we don't discriminate). What kind of social events do you have?
Well, it's great that you ask, because we understand that many people in college are very interested in a chance to meet people for the purposes of dating. We are very eager to help people meet people they would be interested, which is why we have plenty of social events. We have one gigantic theme party in the spring, called "AEPi Amazon." In the fall, we have our road-tripping date function "Road Rally," which involves a scavenger hunt across large portions of Florida, always winding up somewhere fun for us to have a nighttime activity and party together. We have "late nights" at the house after football games to celebrate our victories (or, much less often, to drown our sorrows) throughout the semester, in addition to several "late nights" thrown just to have a party. We have 4-5 social events with sororities, 3 date functions and a variety of other events. In the spring, we also have our Formal, where you wear (you guessed it) formal wear at a lovely hotel in some exciting city.

How about pledging?
Alpha Epsilon Pi is a nationally non-hazing fraternity. No, seriously. We mean it. Pledging may involve a committment of time, but at no point will we ever force or even ask you to do anything that is in any way dangerous, unsettling or that we ourselves wouldn't immediately do. Nothing dangerous, nothing gross, nothing sick, nothing strenuous, but just a committment of time to learn about the ideals, the brotherood and the brothers of AEPi. It is simply a time to get to know the brothers and your pledge brothers, and we would never force you to do anything physically or mentally strenuous. Also, just like rushing, if you decide it's not for you, you are always free to leave, and no one will fault you -- it's your life, it's your college experience, and you should do what makes you have the best possible time.

What kind of time committment should I expect?
The time committment, like most other aspects of the fraternity, is wholly up to you -- you can participate in as many (or as few) activities and events as you desire. Conversely, the amount of activity you put forth is directly proportional to the amount of enjoyment you will likely receive; the more active you are, the more fond memories you will have, the more people you are likely to meet, the more fun you are likely to have, and the more overall experiences you are able to enjoy.

How involved is Alpha Epsilon Pi on-campus?
Really, really ridiculously involved. Around campus we are involved in:
Student Government (several of our brothers have been recent Student Body Presidents)
·  Student Senate (yep, in addition to Senators, we've had brothers be the Student Senate President)
·  Homecoming (we've had a number of people in positions including General Chairman)
·  Gator Growl (same thing, this is getting repetitive, but you get the idea, this is getting old)
·  Homecoming Parade (yes, we've had a number of people involved including assistant directors and numerous Parade Directors)
·  ACCENT Speaker's Bureau (surprise surprise, numerous brothers have been a variety of positions, including a number of Chairmen)
·  Florida Blue Key (yes, in addition to a number of brothers in this prestigious organization, several have gotten leadership positions including the most recent Florida Blue Key President)
·  IDEAL (if you don't know what that is, that's fine, it's a very active leadership group thingie)
·  The Cicerones (those spunky tour guides you see around campus)
·  JSU (the Jewish Student Union, we've had numerous brothers active in positions including the two most recent Presidents)
·  IFC (the Inter-Fraternity Council, we've had brothers in leadership roles including this year's Scholarship Director)
·  UF's Hockey and Volleyball teams (we're also manly)
...and far too many other organizations to list, I'm getting tired of typing by now.

What else should I know about Alpha Epsilon Pi?
AEPi is one of the largest fraternities on UF's campus (it is, we have real numbers to prove it). In addition, it is one of the most active and involved fraternities on campus, involved in more activities, groups and other organizations then you could imagine. Joining AEPi, you get more than just a bunch of brothers, you get a family. The options of what you can do with your time here are limitless, and we seek to provide you with an even greater scope of things to choose from. You don't have to get involved in every aspect of the fraternity, but we try to provide every opportunity for you to get involved in the house, on-campus, and in other organizations.

Most importantly, the house and brothers of AEPi are among the most warm and welcoming people in the world. The doors of the house are always open (that's metaphorical, since it's 147 degrees Fahrenheit in Florida during the summer; but obviously if you knock we will let you into the air conditioning), and the doors to every brother's room are always open as well. Do yourself a favor, come out and meet us (during the summer, during the fall, we don't care when), and we promise a more enjoyable and exciting college career!

Do you have other questions? Contact Us!