Welcome to Jordan Sheckman's online portfolio. This site features digital material I've worked on over the years, much of it near and dear to my heart. I like to experiment with many different media, exemplified in the three main sections of this site: graphics, Web sites and videos.

Please, please, please be aware that my portfolio is wildly out of date (about 2 years so! I know, I know). I've grown significantly as a Web designer/developer over the past 2 years, but my current job has me devoting most of my spare time to it. I'll try to update the content here just as soon as humanly (or humanely) possible. Stay tuned!

As an advertising student at the University of Florida, I was enrolled in Advertising Campaigns during my final semester. The course challenges students by assigning each section a different real-world client for which teams of students would build a full campaign. Each team was judged based on creativity and strategy by representatives of the client. My team called ourselves Agency 007, and we were assigned Shane's Rib Shack, a fledgling fast-casual barbecue restaurant. As the team's creative director, I was responsible for many of the ideas we put into our campaign, along with their implementation. Here are the pieces I contributed.
Ant-i Picnic Campaign
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Video for Storyboard 1
Here is a video I created animating the first Ant-i Picnic storyboard to illustrate to the client how final result would look.

Download the ads (.pdf)
Storyboard for Ad 1
Storyboard for Ad 2
Storyboard for Ad 3
Redesign of Shane's Rib Shack Web Site
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Franchisee Main Page Franchisee Contact Page Corporate Home Page
Radio Ad
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View the transcript for the ad   Download (.mp3)


I currently work as a Web designer/developer at Reingold, a marketing and communications firm in Georgetown.

In May 2007 I graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelors of Science in Advertising and a Minor in Business Administration.



programs currently used.

  • Adobe Photoshop CS3
  • Adobe Illustrator CS3
  • Adobe InDesign CS3
Web sites.
  • Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
  • Adobe Flash CS3
  • Adobe Fireworks CS3
  • Sony Vegas 7.0

I am currently using a MacBook Pro running both Mac OS 10.4 and Windows Vista Business

To view videos, you will need Flash