Welcome to Jordan Sheckman's online portfolio. This site features digital material I've worked on over the years, much of it near and dear to my heart. I like to experiment with many different media, exemplified in the three main sections of this site: graphics, Web sites and videos.
Please, please, please be aware that my portfolio is wildly out of date (about 2 years so! I know, I know). I've grown significantly as a Web designer/developer over the past 2 years, but my current job has me devoting most of my spare time to it. I'll try to update the content here just as soon as humanly (or humanely) possible. Stay tuned!
As an advertising student at the University of Florida, I was enrolled in Advertising Campaigns during my final semester. The course challenges students by assigning each section a different real-world client for which teams of students would build a full campaign. Each team was judged based on creativity and strategy by representatives of the client. My team called ourselves Agency 007, and we were assigned Shane's Rib Shack, a fledgling fast-casual barbecue restaurant. As the team's creative director, I was responsible for many of the ideas we put into our campaign, along with their implementation. Here are the pieces I contributed. |
Ant-i Picnic Campaign |
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I created this campaign as an effort to push Shane's catering services, and a new option for businesses and families: the Picnic Pack. The idea was that customers could have a picnic anywhere. I thought up three video ads for the campaign, in which actors dressed in ant suits are walking through the grass, trying to find a picnic. Eventually, they realize that thanks to the new Picnic Pack, picnics are not restricted to the outdoors. Because we did not have a very large budget, the videos would air on YouTube to allow for viral marketing.
And yes, the all of the voices in the video were that of yours truly.
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Video for Storyboard 1
Here is a video I created animating the first Ant-i Picnic storyboard to illustrate to the client how final result would look.
Download the ads (.pdf)
Storyboard for Ad 1
Storyboard for Ad 2
Storyboard for Ad 3
Redesign of Shane's Rib Shack Web Site |
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Another proposal my team developed for the Shane's Rib Shack campaign was the creation of Web site templates for franchised Shane's Rib Shack locations. We looked at competitors like Sonny's Real Pit Bar-B-Q whose Web sites focused heavily on finding restaurant locations. Since Shane's was still a small franchise, we decided to emphasize this idea by giving each franchisee its own site. The easiest and most effective way to accomplish this was to have site templates for which each restaurant could fill in its own information and pictures.
When a customer would visit the Shane's Rib Shack corporate Web site, they would immediately see a map of all locations, which they could then click on to narrow their search. Additionally, users could simply enter their zip code into a textbox to be instantly redirected.
Once a user came upon a franchisee page, they would be presented with a fully animated Flash experience ( see image). Clouds drift across the top of the page, birds fly in the background, smoke rises from the Shane's Rib Shack logo, and a wheel with links spins around. The location is clearly indicated at the top, and users can quickly switch to another by entering a different zip code. At the bottom of the page walk the ants from the Ant-i Picnic campaign (see above), with a link to view the viral videos.
Clicking on a link creates a "splat" over that link's button, and directs the user to an HTML-based page ( see Contact Page example). This is where information that a franchisee submitted would be displayed. Once again, an ant reminds the user to check out the viral videos.
Radio Ad |
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Our team decided that a radio ad that aired during the morning and afternoon rush hours would be a great way to appeal to business professionals. We wanted to show that a customer would be able to get all the heartiness of a sit-down meal without having to sacrifice time in his or her busy schedule.
The transcript for this ad was written by one of my teammates. It involves a hungry driver whose GPS navigation system goes beyond giving directions and begins to lead him to Shane's Rib Shack.
I was responsible for the actual creation of the ad. I had never before produced a radio commercial, and it proved challenging to convey exactly what was going on purely through sound. It also proved to be a lot of fun. I lent my voice to the driver and the voiceover at the end, and my girlfriend Amanda voiced the GPS, which I had to tweak a bit to get the robotic attributes down.
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View the transcript for the ad
Download (.mp3) |
I first started this site two years ago to showcase my work, and it recently occurred to me that I was neglecting some of my most prized digital pieces. As I finish my senior year of college, I find it only fitting to showcase some of my work with PowerPoint. Below you'll see some of my favorites made for classes during my four-year tenure. |
Advertising Campaigns Old Book Evaluation (2007)
For my Advertising Campaigns class, each competing team was required to evaluate a campaign book created by a team in a previous semester. This is my team's presentation that I put together. Our team name is "Agency 007," so I decided to model the presentation with a James Bond theme. |
Advertising Ethics Presentation (2007)
For my Advertising Ethics class, I worked in a team to research the debate topic, "Are Marketing and Advertising Fundamentally Exploitive?" It was my responsibility to put together the PowerPoint presentation, which I did in the style of a boxing match, appropriate for a debate class. |
Advertising Copy & Vis Product Presentation (2006)
In my Advertising Copywriting and Visualization class, one of our big projects of the semester was to research a product to advertise. This is my presentation of the research I conducted before creating the advertisements. |
Advertising Copy & Vis Texas Hold 'Em Demo (2006)
As a prelude to some of the larger projects in my Advertising Copywriting and Visualization class, each student had to prepare a presentation to teach the other students how to do an activity. I chose to demonstrate how to play Texas Hold 'Em using this PowerPoint presentation.
Advertising Research Project (2006)
In my Advertising Research class, we had one big research project to conduct through the semester. My group was given the task of researching Budweiser. We chose the team name "ADdiction" to reflect that. This is the PowerPoint I put together for the presentation of our secondary research. |
Advertising Strategy Presentation (2005)
For my Advertising Strategy class, each group of students was required to create a campaign strategy for Annie's Homegrown, a maker of organic foods. This is the presentation I created to show our final strategy. For the opening animation, it proved difficult to find a sound file for silverware and a plate hitting the table, so I recorded the sounds myself. |

I currently work as a Web designer/developer at Reingold, a marketing and communications firm in Georgetown.
In May 2007 I graduated from the University of Florida with a Bachelors of Science in Advertising and a Minor in Business Administration.
programs currently used.
graphics. |
- Adobe Photoshop CS3
- Adobe Illustrator CS3
- Adobe InDesign CS3
Web sites. |
- Adobe Dreamweaver CS3
- Adobe Flash CS3
- Adobe Fireworks CS3
videos. |
I am currently using a MacBook Pro running both Mac OS 10.4 and Windows Vista Business
To view videos, you will need Flash