Thump Boxing Gym » Kettlebells

What are kettlebells?

A Kettlebell or “Girya” is a traditional Russian cast iron weight that looks like a cannonball with a handle. It is the ultimate tool for extreme all-around fitness.

“Not a single sport develops our muscular strength and bodies as well as kettlebell athletics,” reported Russian magazine Hercules in 1913.

It is a very simple and versatile tool, but it takes a lot of guts to get really good with it.

You can work practically any part of your body once you learn how to do it.

What can they do for me?  back to top

Kettlebells set your fat on fire like no other form of exercise. Losing 1% of body fat a
week for weeks is not uncommon. If you are overweight, you will lean out. If you are skinny, you will slap some meat on your bones.

Training with Kettlebells will:

  • Develop Total Body Strength to easily handle the toughest demand
  • Unleash Explosive Power to crush opponents in competitive clashes
  • Build Lasting Endurance to stay fresh where others wilt
  • Condition You for Peak Fitness to gain the edge in your chosen sport
  • Generate Fast Fat Loss to forever remove unwanted flab
  • Promote a Spring-like Resilience to repel the hardest, meanest hits
  • Restore Youthful Flexibility to reduce injury and improve mobility
  • Redesign Body Shape to enhance your physical appeal

Kettlebells, when trained with properly, will give you the most “bang for your buck.” The unique U-shaped handle adds something that no other form of weight training has: inertia. This inertia is important in training because if you plan to remain on the planet Earth, you will be faced with it forever.

Training under inertial forces is the best way to train for “real life.”

Think of this: it’s Saturday morning at the grocery store. You are there with your two children and your new infant and everyone else in the world who’s buying groceries. You need to reach for something on the top shelf, and then on the bottom, all while avoiding the other customers and holding your baby.

Training with kettlebells is the best way to train for this hectic, stop-and go situation. And let’s face it: most of life is like this.

We need functional tools that will give us strength, and keep us healthy, inside the gym, and out.

Kettlebells are the solution.

Train with Kettlebells, and before you know it, your everyday activities will become easier. Suddenly that trip to the grocery store won’t seem so bad, and you’ll be in the best shape of your life.

You’ll look great and feel great, too!

The unique applicability of the Kettlebell was the reason the former USSR chose the Kettlebell as the training method of “the citizens” to keep their nation fit.

How do I use them?  back to top

Kettlebells have a variety of uses and they are only limited by your imagination.

Traditional Kettlebell training uses Olympic style lifts to engage the entire body from head to toe. Squats, Snatches, Clean and Jerks, and Deadlifts are just some examples.

You can create a non-stop routine moving from exercise to exercise without any rest to generate fast fat loss, or you can use a ninety pound Kettlebell to unleash explosive power.

However, with the right imagination you can create a very entertaining and extremely effective routine to condition yourself for peak fitness like nothing you’ve ever done before.

Do you hold classes?  back to top

Indeed we do!

We hold Semi-Private Personal Training Sessions that incorporate the amazing results you get from personal training, with the incredibly low prices of group training. A session is limited to six participants which will allow you to have a personalized workout while making it profitable for the Fitness Professional hosting the session.

If you are interested please sign up on the sign up sheet located on the window next to the coffee table. Please give us your name, phone number and the times you will be available for a session so that we may contact you and schedule you into a group.

For more information please see a Peak Performance - Thump Boxing Gym Fitness Professional.

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