Thump Boxing Gym » Thaiboxing
Thaiboxing, also known as Muay Thai, is an ancient battle
art. The Thai Military uses Muay Thai as their form of empty
hand combat when they lose their weaponry. Born on the
battlefield Thaiboxing strikes with elbows and knees, kicks
with the shinbone, and uses the hands just like Boxing. In
Muay Thai, unlike Kickboxing, you are allowed to hold and
hit, and you can hit anywhere on the body.
Thaiboxing taught here is authentic Muay Thai, it is not
Kickboxing. If you happen to be in when Remy is (see the
picture above), congratulate him on beating the current ISKA
World Champion in K1 Las Vegas on August 20th, 2005.
We don't only train World Champion Thaiboxer's, we
specialize in helping absolute beginners reach their goals.
Whether those goals be self-defense, losing 30 pounds, or
just having a lot of fun, Thaiboxing will enhance any
training routine you currently, or don't currently, have.
"I really like the Muay Thai the most. Throwing so many
punches and kicks while moving around the bag, doubled up
with the abdominal, lower back , and neck exercises gives me
an intense workout from head to toe. I tried the classes one
week and now I'm hooked," says Jason Lugo. |