Peak Performance » Spinning

If you want an extremely intense cardiovascular workout as well as a really fun time, then spinning is for you. In short, it is a one hour bike ride. But it is so much more than that. All the classes take place in our black light spinning room. The lights and stars on the ceiling make you feel like you are riding into the night. It combines the adventure and excitement of going on an outdoor group bike ride, with the safety and comfort of our indoor facility.

Not only is it exciting, but it is a very intense and high energy form of exercise. You can burn anywhere from 500 to 1000 calories in a single class! Talk about a good workout! Not only that, but you will have such a good time; you will not even realize how hard you are working. Before you know it, an hour has gone by, and you won’t want to leave!

Here at Peak Performance - Thump Boxing gym, we offer spinning six days out of the week. That gives you plenty of opportunity to come try a class out. One of the benefits to having so many classes is the instructors’ ability to include variety in the classes. Besides intensity, one of the most important factors to a good workout program is variety. Every class is different. One might be more focused on endurance with longer riding segments. Another day might focus more on strength, with lots of high resistance. But regardless of the mood of the class- one thing is for sure- you will have a great workout!

Another factor in your success at an exercise program is motivation. If there is one thing that the spinning instructors have down pat, it is motivation. They will make you want to work like you have never worked before! And they will make you want to come back for more.

So if what you are looking for is an intense cardiovascular workout that combines great music, great people and lots of fun, then spinning is for you!

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